‘Übermensch Smart Cell’ w/ Matthew Smith | BioCharisma Podcast S2 Episode 10

‘Übermensch Smart Cell’ w/ Matthew Smith | BioCharisma Podcast S2 Episode 10 “Architecture is frozen Music” has been one of my favorite sayings ever since I heard it. If that’s the case my guest today, Matthew Smith, of dreamdesignbuild.org is a concert hall conductor. Matt has been an architect in Washington state for over 20 years with …

‘Bicentennial Fire Dragons’ w/ Jim Lee | BioCharisma Podcast S2 Episode 9

‘Bicentennial Fire Dragons’ w/ Jim Lee | BioCharisma Podcast S2 Episode 9 Jim Lee, of ClimateViewer.com, brought me so much relief when he was on Freeman Fly’s pod seven years ago. I thought I was taking crazy pills until I heard him give the history of weather modification which confirmed much that I had been …

’Toxic Legacy’ w/ Dr. Stephanie Seneff | BioCharisma Podcast S2 Episode 8

’Toxic Legacy’ w/ Dr. Stephanie Seneff | BioCharisma Podcast S2 Episode 8 What happens when you take a MIT systems analyst who fixes her husband’s heart disease and than sick them onto the problems of modern agriculture? You get the book ‘Toxic Legacy,’ from our guest Dr. Stephanie Seneff. This woman has been a personal …

‘Preventative Non-Adaptation’ w/ Dr. Tom Cowan I Season 2 Ep.7 BioCharisma Podcast

‘Preventative Non-Adaptation’ w/ Dr. Tom Cowan I Season 2 Ep.7 BioCharisma Podcast The ‘Billiard Ball’ model of material existence is proving to be incomplete, especially when considering living organisms. Dr. Tom Cowan returns to The BioCharisma Podcast to add nuance to how physical systems react to Energetic stimulus. His New Biology Clinic gives a practical …

‘Space Busting’ w/ Steve Falconer BioCharisma Podcast Season 2 Episode 6

‘Space Busting’ w/ Steve Falconer BioCharisma Podcast Season 2 Episode 6 I have been enjoying the SpaceBusters channel, on Bitchute, for years and found that our guest, Steve Falconer, and his partner in crime, Ross, had the best documentaries that were both jovial and informative. There’s areality that emerges when you stare at actuaries all …

“EMF Remedies” w/ Sofia Smallstorm | BioCharisma Podcast S2 Episode 5

‘EMF Remedies’ w/ Sofia Smallstorm | BioCharisma Podcast Season 2 Episode 5 We are immersed in a sea of electricity and magnetism. Frontal boundaries, hurricanes, tornadoes and volcanic eruptions are all examples of natural phenomenon that are electrical events. For the last 150 years we have introduced more and more synthetic electromagnetic frequencies(EMF)to the point …

“Regional Archiving(RA)” w/ Analog | BioCharisma Podcast S2 Episode 4

‘Regional Archiving(RA)’ w/ Analog | BioCharisma Podcast S2 Episode 4 My grand pappy told me when I was a little one to always grab a newspaper when I got to a new town and read it at a local diner from front to back. His rational was that I would get the tone & tenor …

‘Material is Consequence’ w/ Cesar Soós | BioCharisma Podcast S2 Episode 3

‘Material is Consequence’ w/ Cesar Soós | BioCharisma Podcast S2 Episode 3 Before the promotion of Einstein the Western world had a massive awakening in Physics where all of our current technology has it’s origins. There was a engineered pivot away from this innovative methodology towards mathematics to suppress the Good Stuff! Fiat needed planned …

Over Sharon 58: Christopher Gardner – The Life of a Legend (Part 2)

Over Sharon 58: Christopher Gardner – The Life of a Legend (Part 2) The notorious Topher Gardner joins us to talk about his spiritual journey and the things that have brought him to his working cosmology. We covered topics such as the zodiac, astrology, human design, massage, and much more. Over sharing was in high …

Petrified Hearts w/ Stellium7 | BioCharisma Podcast S2 Episode 2

Petrified Hearts w/ Stellium7 | BioCharisma Podcast S2 Episode 2 Visiting the Petrified Forest of Arizona, when I was 17, anchored an enigma in my soul. The mystery was, why do some biological things rot while others petrify? Mike Wilkerson of Stellium7 on YT joins us this week to broach this question.  His videos on …