“Let the Right One In” w/ Owen Benjamin

“Let The Right One In” w/ Owen BenjaminThe BioCharisma Podcast Season 3 Episode 31 What’s the link between narcissism and rhetoric? After our guest, Owen Benjamin, had his “narcissist week” I was compelled to have him on, as the codependent aspect of me had been duped once again. Like a moth to a flame, the …

“Rarified Aether” w/ Mark Steeves

“Rarified Aether” w/ Mark SteeveThe BioCharisma Podcast Season 3 Episode 30 Host of My Family Thinks I’m Crazy podcast, Mark Steeves joins the show this week to discuss the different possibilities of aerial lights in the sky over the north east US. Our discussion branches into power positions on the plain(et) that have massive structures …

“Temporal Border Town” w/ Bradley Lail

“Temporal Border Town” w/ Bradley LailThe BioCharisma Podcast Season 3 Episode 29 Bradley Lail, of the Awakened Podcast, joins me this week to talk about the impending change of an age and what that might imply when it comes to our perception. 19th century notions of aether pervade the earlier part of our conversation, as …

Dynamic Charge” w/ Matt Rourke (Cultivate Elevate)

“Dynamic Charge” w/ Matt Rourke (Cultivate Elevate)The BioCharisma Podcast Season 3 Episode 28 Matt, of Cultivate Elevate on Instagram, joins us this week to discuss Micro Terra Forming; in other words, gardening! He and I share an affinity for electro-culture, which is when you use some form of antennae to condense ambient voltage and distribute …

“Hamilton Native Outpost” w/ Amy & Colt Hamilton

“Hamilton Native Outpost” w/ Amy & Colt Hamilton|The BioCharisma Podcast Season 3 Episode 27 The holy grail of any permaculture/regenerative agricultural model is to keep the water on your property as long as possible, whether it’s above or below ground. Our guests this week, Amy and Colt Hamilton, run Hamilton Native Outpost, which is a …

“Frequency Fence Sitters” w/ Mitch the Orgone Donor

“Frequency Fence Sitters” w/ Kevin Hickerson|The BioCharisma Podcast Season 3 Episode 26 The subtle rules the gross. Mitch joins us this week to educate us on what Orgone is and isn’t. He is an experimenter that has changed his local environment by signaling it with a bevy of telluric condensers. We crack on about how …

“Nuclear BioMass” w/ Kevin Hickerson

“Nuclear BioMass w/ Kevin Hickerson|The BioCharisma Podcast Season 3 Episode 24 @KPHickerson on X or Instagram What happens when you mix BioMass (farm refuse) with fissionable material??? You get NUCLEAR BIOCHAR!!!! Just kidding, but in a way our guest, Kevin Hickerson, is making the ultimate treasure out of agricultural waste. Kevin is a PHD physicist, …

“Black Hole Sole” w/ Mario Garza

“Black Hole Sole” w/ Mario Garza|The BioCharisma Podcast Season 3 Episode 23 The Royal Arch in Free Masonry has its pinnacle in the crab constellation, aka Cancer. Mario Garza of SymbolicStudies.com is back on the Pod to link the Summer Solstice to its Polar correlate in the real sky. The deeper the roots of the …

“Somatid Etch-a-Sketch” w/ Fiona Gardner

“Somatid Etch-A-Sketch” w/ Fiona Gardner|The BioCharisma Podcast Season 3 Episode 24 Just when you thought holographic blood was the most amazing bio-marker, we have Fiona Gardner here today to show us how urine’s messages might be more profound.  Fiona Gardner has been the lead Dark Field Microscopist for the Bigelsen brothers for the last decade, …

“Traumatized Metal” PART 2 w/ Owen Benjamin

“Traumatized Metal” PART 2 w/ Owen Benjamin|The BioCharisma Podcast Season 3 Episode 22   Is your survival instinct strong? Owen and I finish the conversation around why being Anti-Fragile is the way to overcome the incompetence of governing bodies. He and I were both traumatized in our youth, which gave us the necessary callouses to …