Over Unity w/ George Wiseman | BioCharisma Podcast 21
Forgive my Ebonics in the title but I can’t help to have fun with phonetics. Men like Dylan Saccoccio amaze me because of their attention to detail and patience to widdle through the dross of language. Dylan’s diligence in studying multiple languages has revealed an origin story that is quite uncommon. His thread weaves nicely with the work of Michelle Gibson and Longo, in that, there was a world wide, maritime guild, of European Merchants that traversed the America’s well before Christopher Columbus.
We warm up in the first 1.5hrs to get to the hot gravy in the second part. Thank you again for your attention. You can study more of Dylan’s work: https://beacons.ai/greattide
Forgive my Ebonics in the title but I can’t help to have fun with phonetics. Men like Dylan Saccoccio amaze me because of their attention to detail and patience to widdle through the dross of language. Dylan’s diligence in studying multiple languages has revealed an origin story that is quite uncommon. His thread weaves nicely with the work of Michelle Gibson and Longo, in that, there was a world wide, maritime guild, of European Merchants that traversed the America’s well before Christopher Columbus.
We warm up in the first 1.5hrs to get to the hot gravy in the second part. Thank you again for your attention. You can study more of Dylan’s work: https://beacons.ai/greattide
Topo Roast w/ Curtis Stone | BioCharisma Podcast 18 Curtis Stone joins me this week to promote his course that teaches HOW to choose a resilient Homestead. We review the Gardenian Domestead through the lens of his course. Thank goodness I choose wisely! You can support the pod by signing up for his course through …
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Neural Organization Technique w/ Dr. Sheel Tangri | BioCharisma Podcast 16 After a few years of professionally massaging people I became convinced that our nervous system ruled the proverbial, biological roost. It was evident that the electrical wiring of the body controlled how all the other systems acted. A friend of mine, who is an …
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‘Biophysics is King’, w/ Sofia Smallstorm | BioCharisma Podcast 15 If the primary building block of our biology is Hydrogen you could say we are dense light. In this week’s cast Sofia Smallstorm of Avatarproducts.com describes our photo biology and how coherent light(lasers) rejuvenate our Mitochondria. Recent Posts All BioCharisma Podcast Interviews BioCharisma Podcast, Interviews Biophysics is …
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‘Problem Solving’ w/ Curtis Stone | BioCharisma Podcast 14 Convenience is the drug that the corporate world wields in the attempt to make us dependents. Endless marketing cliches push the public towards the idolization of luxury and not independence. Enter Curtis Stone, of FromtheField.TV, the original Urban Permie who is mastering the form and function …
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‘Wag the Dog’ w/ Ole Dammegard | BioCharisma Podcast 13 Living abroad for close to twenty years erased my conditioning around thinking of countries being anonymous and separated. Today’s guest, Ole Dammegard of LightOnConspiracies.com, reveals the scaffolding holding the geopolitical/financial world in place. Ole’s expertise in TV production gave him the eyes to see the …
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Landscaped Mirrors w/ Emily Moyer | BioCharisma Podcast Episode 12 Have you ever had a friend that had a way of observing that continually insighted new avenues of exploration for you? Emily Moyer is that person for me. Our guest this week on the BioCharisma Podcast has let her proprioception in the physical domain inform …
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Democide w/ Dr. Jennifer Daniels | BioCharisma Podcast Episode 11 Mosquitoes have been the most gratuitous killers in history. Do you know who’s number two? You guessed it, big government. Democide is genocide committed by government. When you have the majority externalizing their authority big Gov steps in to clean up the detritus. Dr. Jennifer …
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