‘Metaphysics’ w/ Athen Chimenti | Biocharisma Podcast 25

‘Metaphysics’ w/ Athen Chimenti | Biocharisma Podcast 25 The luminaries above were made for signs and wonders says the Good Book. These luminaries are the basis for all time management and calendrics. Athen and I discuss how these luminaries can reflect, through the law of correspondence, aspects of ourselves and greater historical cycles. Athen’s engineering …

‘Forging Castles’ w Dr. Longo | BioCharisma Podcast 24

‘Forging Castles’ w Dr. Longo | BioCharisma Podcast 24 The waves of synchronicity brought me to the shores of Florida from Costa Rica.  I had just spent the weekend with a Shaman that had been initiated by Quechua Tribe, of the the Northern Andes, when Longo’s ‘El Portal’ vid dropped. There were too many syncs …

Aqua Photonics w/ Isabel Friend | BioCharisma Podcast 23

Aqua Photonics w/ Isabel Friend | BioCharisma Podcast 23 Water is a beautiful woman that wants to dance and be adorned with precious minerals/metals as she meanders from the mountain tops to the ocean. Isabel Friend joins us this week, from WaterisLife.shop, as a spiritual twin to the fluid of life. Over the 9 years …

‘Hope Springs Internal,’ w/ Govinda | BioCharisma Podcast 22

‘Hope Springs Internal,’ w/ Govinda | BioCharisma Podcast 22 With all of the hubbub around AI I thought it essential to get to the core of what makes a thing sentient and explore the concept of consciousness with a man who has mastered the 4th wall. Govinda has been a still water in my life …

Phone-Esia w/ Dylan Saccoccio part DEUX | BioCharisma Podcast 20

Forgive my Ebonics in the title but I can’t help to have fun with phonetics. Men like Dylan Saccoccio amaze me because of their attention to detail and patience to widdle through the dross of language. Dylan’s diligence in studying multiple languages has revealed an origin story that is quite uncommon. His thread weaves nicely with the work of Michelle Gibson and Longo, in that, there was a world wide, maritime guild, of European Merchants that traversed the America’s well before Christopher Columbus.
We warm up in the first 1.5hrs to get to the hot gravy in the second part. Thank you again for your attention. You can study more of Dylan’s work: https://beacons.ai/greattide

Phone-Esia w/ Dylan Saccoccio | BioCharisma Podcast 19

Forgive my Ebonics in the title but I can’t help to have fun with phonetics. Men like Dylan Saccoccio amaze me because of their attention to detail and patience to widdle through the dross of language. Dylan’s diligence in studying multiple languages has revealed an origin story that is quite uncommon. His thread weaves nicely with the work of Michelle Gibson and Longo, in that, there was a world wide, maritime guild, of European Merchants that traversed the America’s well before Christopher Columbus.
We warm up in the first 1.5hrs to get to the hot gravy in the second part. Thank you again for your attention. You can study more of Dylan’s work: https://beacons.ai/greattide

Topo Roast w/ Curtis Stone | BioCharisma Podcast 18

Topo Roast w/ Curtis Stone | BioCharisma Podcast 18 Curtis Stone joins me this week to promote his course that teaches HOW to choose a resilient Homestead. We review the Gardenian Domestead through the lens of his course. Thank goodness I choose wisely! You can support the pod by signing up for his course through …

Over Sharon 57: Christopher Gardner – The Life of a Legend (Part 1)

Over Sharon 57: Christopher Gardner – The Life of a Legend (Part 1) The notorious Topher Gardner joins us to talk about his spiritual journey and the things that have brought him to his working cosmology. We covered topics such as the zodiac, astrology, human design, massage, and much more. Over sharing was in high …