Enneagramic Synastry’ w/ Slick Dissident

“Enneagramic Synastry” w/ Slick Dissident | BioCharisma Podcast S2 Episode 27 I had to have the incomparable Slick Dissident back on the pod to discuss the implications of connecting the ’New Calendar’ to his study of the nine positions of the Enneagram. As soon as I saw a calendar composed of nine day weeks, I …

“Lazarus Revelation” w/ Professor Longo

“Lazarus Revelation” w/ Professor Longo | BioCharisma Podcast S2 Episode 26 Professor Longo joins us this week to give context to the Eastern Roman Empire, which shouldn’t be confused with the Western Roman that collapsed circa 500 A.D. There was a thriving, vibrant culture that embraced the more Mystical components of the Christian Mythos that …

“Timing Is Everything” w/ Tom Sherman

“Timing is Everything” w/ Tom Sherman | BioCharisma Podcast S2 Episode 25 Does the Gregorian Calendar set the rhythm of your life? Tom Sherman, of thenewcalendar.com, joins us to discuss how he engineered a calendar that is anchored to day light. The notion of the Gregorian calendar putting us into an energetic deficit first came …

“Doctrine of Signatures” w/ Kyle Denton

“Doctrine of Signatures” w/ Kyle Denton | BioCharisma Podcast S2 Episode 24 This week, Kyle Denton of Tippie Canoe Herbs is on the BioCharisma Podcast to usher in a depth of observation that only a true lover of plants could. He’s an herbalist with an Ayurvedic backbone. So, the fundamentals of the elemental energies, fire, …

“Super Fluid” W/ Chaz of the Dead

“Super Fluid” w/ Chaz of the Dead | BioCharisma Podcast S2 Episode 23 The word “super” usually denotes something extra-ordinary, phenomenally speaking. Chaz of the Dead joins us to discuss many extraordinary things this week, including super fluids (Aether), superconductivity, orgone, and ghost hunting. His boots-on-the-ground research has lead to a very balanced and mature …

“A Primer to Practical Innovation” W/ Adam Stevens

“A Primer to Practical Innovation” w/ Adam Stevens | BioCharisma Podcast S2 Episode 22 he Gardner’s journey to the top of the Ozarks in Missouri was in great part due to our guest today Adam Stevens, a.k.a Mr. Permie Bear. He is the owner/operator of Grateful Harvest Seeds and Legends Repair & Remodel. In this …

“Rat Utopia” W/ Allegedly Dave

“Rat Utopia” w/ Allegedly Dave | BioCharisma Podcast S2 Episode 21 Early 2015, I was lost at sea when the Flat Earth Cosmology entered my consciousness. All the great researchers who were broadening my flat horizon were coalesced with the calm, logical presence of Allegedly Dave, our guest on this week’s Pod. One of his …


“BioCharismatic Cosmogenesis” w/ George Hardwick | BioCharisma Podcast S2 Episode 20 After recording at least 40 podcasts where I get into the cosmology of my guests, a bunch of you requested an interview of where I am at with modeling the Realm. I reached out to George Hardwick to interview me on the subject, as …

“Roomba’s for the UN” w/ Dr. Andrew Kaufman

“Roombas for the UN” w/ Dr. Andrew Kaufman | BioCharisma Podcast S2 Episode 19 We have the most famous Blue Devil of all time on the cast today as Dr. Andrew Kaufman joins us from N.C. No one has deciphered the grammar of the VIRUS situation better than Dr. Kaufman, who has been a virtual …

‘Cellular Cement’ w AirCrete Harry – The BioCharisma Podcast S2 Episode 18

“CELLULAR CEMENT” W AIRCRETE HARRY | BioCharisma Podcast S2 Episode 18 Mario Garza, of symbolicstudies.com, joins Biocharisma to recalibrate where our nightward attention has been flowing. Have you ever asked the question of why do we only pay attention to the ecliptic plain in our natal astrological charts? True north might indicate more than a …