“Fire and Brimstone” w/ Sofia Smallstorm

“Fire and Brimstone” w/ Sofia SmallstormThe BioCharisma Podcast Season 3 Episode 42 Our bodies are comprised of different levels of elemental energies. Fire, water, air and earth are the elemental qualities that make up our constitution. Today, Sofia Smallstorm focusses on the element of fire in the form of MSM (methylsulfonylmethane). Our conversation was very …

“The Fertile Current w/ ” w/ Chris Winters

“The Fertile Current” w/ Chris WintersThe BioCharisma Podcast Season 3 Episode 41 Chris Winters joins the BioCharisma Podcast this week with an eye and a green thumb on best practices for growing food. His Quantum Agriculture includes electroculture and radionics as appropriate technologies for increasing the health of his plants, and therefor their yield. For …

“Celestial Dynamics” w/ Crrow777

“Celestial Dynamics” w/ Crrow777The BioCharisma Podcast Season 3 Episode 40 The majority of sky watchers have seen unexplained phenomenon above them. Our guest, Crrow777, has dedicated thousands of hours of both naked-eye and telescopic observation of the heavens with an emphasis on our moon 🌙 and sun 🌞. He first caught my attention with the …

“Grateful Cornucopia” w/ Adam Stevens

“Grateful Cornucopia” w/ Adam StevensThe BioCharisma Podcast Season 3 Episode 39 Applying what you have learned by getting your hands in the dirt is the main characteristic of a well-developed being. Few people embody this better than our guest this week, Adam Stevens of https://gratefulharvestseeds.com/. Adam’s voracious appetite for knowledge is equally matched by his …

“Groove in the Heart” w/ Jorge Mesa

“Groove in the Heart” w/ Jorge MesaThe BioCharisma Podcast Season 3 Episode 37 Deep in the land of bourbon, I found myself stranded with engine problems. Out of nowhere a legend with flowing, Polynesian locks (even though he’s Greek) rescued me. Our guest, Jorge Mesa, is back for his second time on the BioCharisma podcast …

“The Fog of War” w/ Traci Derwin

“The Fog of War” w/ Traci DerwinThe BioCharisma Podcast Season 3 Episode 36 Traci Derwin, author of Sound the Alarm, joins us this week to discuss her journalistic approach to documenting the implementation of Agenda 21 through what I call Natural Capital Management (NCM). This management includes the reappropriation of properties that have been naturally …

“The Spiral Syllabus” w/ Karen Kirkness

“The Spiral Syllabus” w/ Karen KirknessThe BioCharisma Podcast Season 3 Episode 35 What was in the water in Florida in the 80’s? I’ll tell you: it was some spiral freakazoid structured liquid Luv. My fellow Floridian of ages past, Dr. Karen Kirkness, shares her path of art that brought her from the Sunshine State to …

“Dead Lifting Fiat” w/ Tony Arterburn

“Dead Lifting Fiat” w/ Tony Arterburn of Wise Wolf GoldThe BioCharisma Podcast Season 3 Episode 34 Energy storage is a huge deal. Your work takes energy, which has a value. How do you store that value? Is the value of your energy stored in digital numbers? Our guest today, Tony Arterburn, has made it his …

“Swirl of Life” w/ Zeev Zohar

“Swirl of Life” w/ Zeev ZoharThe BioCharisma Podcast Season 3 Episode 33 Today’s guest, Zeev Zohar, co-founder of Mayu Water, figured out how to structure water in the most elegant of ways. He created a tear-drop shaped craft that magnetically couples to an impeller, which vivifies the water inside through vortexing. As a water connoisseur, …

“All Roads Lead to Rome” Paul Stobbs

“All Roads Lead to Rome” w/ Paul StobbsThe BioCharisma Podcast Season 3 Episode 32 Are The Founders of the last two hundred years just squatting in the remains of a Christian Golden Age? What year is it really? Author Paul Stobbs returns to the pod to discuss the historical relevance of the sacking of Jerusalem …