"Swirl of Life" w/ Zeev Zohar
The BioCharisma Podcast Season 3 Episode 33
Today’s guest, Zeev Zohar, co-founder of Mayu Water, figured out how to structure water in the most elegant of ways. He created a tear-drop shaped craft that magnetically couples to an impeller, which vivifies the water inside through vortexing. As a water connoisseur, both out in nature and also with devices that mechanically imbue coherence, I can say that the Mayu Swirl is a must for us “granola” types. Not only can all the kids in the neighborhood taste the difference in the “swirled” water, my little wiener dog turns her snout up at any water that isn’t vortexed. Drinking charged water coupled with grounding are two of the easiest ways to build coherence in your biology. Enjoy this hopeful conversation.
My affiliate link gives you a discount and is a great way to support the pod!
Referral link: https://mayuwater.com/?ref=EXTSly7JSUln3Z
Your community $15 off the Swirl code: BIOCHARISMA
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Mayu Swirt Structured Water Carafe: $15 off with code BIOCHARISMA https://mayuwater.com/?ref=EXTSly7JSUIn3Z
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I had to bring Brother Marty Leeds over to my renovated office so he could clarify the name of his ministry, Gnostic Church & Academy of Lord Jesus Christ. If that name doesn’t offend you, then you are that one sheep that left the flock of a hundred. That title alone tells you exactly of the type of man Marty Leeds is: fearless. Brother Marty has been bridging Christianity and Mysticism with mathematics and Hermetics for close to twenty years in a very unapologetic way. The transubstantiation(might be the biggest word ever) of the soul is the whole point of life, and I find Marty’s current work to be bar-none in revealing the mythos of the Great Book. If some of you are into the luminaries, his “Scripture in the Stars” is one of the best Astrotheological books ever written.
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