“All Roads Lead to Rome” w/ Paul Stobbs
The BioCharisma Podcast Season 3 Episode 32

Are The Founders of the last two hundred years just squatting in the remains of a Christian Golden Age? What year is it really? Author Paul Stobbs returns to the pod to discuss the historical relevance of the sacking of Jerusalem in 70 A.D., as The Tribulation prophesied about in the Bible. Revisionist history and archeology are pointing to about 700 years of “phantom time” that was added between the 1st and 8th centuries. With your internal Sienfeld voice you also have to ask, “What’s the deal with volcanoes?” At the very least, these questions lead to the logical conclusion that the narrative we were schooled with is extremely inaccurate. If the inversion policy of The Founders has been consistent, more than likely our progenitors were a part of a glorious Millennial Reign.


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I had to bring Brother Marty Leeds over to my renovated office so he could clarify the name of his ministry, Gnostic Church & Academy of Lord Jesus Christ. If that name doesn’t offend you, then you are that one sheep that left the flock of a hundred. That title alone tells you exactly of the type of man Marty Leeds is: fearless. Brother Marty has been bridging Christianity and Mysticism with mathematics and Hermetics for close to twenty years in a very unapologetic way. The transubstantiation(might be the biggest word ever) of the soul is the whole point of life, and I find Marty’s current work to be bar-none in revealing the mythos of the Great Book. If some of you are into the luminaries, his “Scripture in the Stars” is one of the best Astrotheological books ever written.


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Christopher Gardner
P.O. Box 402
Willow Springs, MO 65793-0402

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