| BioCharisma Podcast S3 Episode 5

Sometimes God laughs at our plans. Even though the unknown seems strenuous because it’s mysterious, the grace that’s bestowed upon us is better than we could have imagined. Talia of Noble Task Homestead joins us to discuss her family’s journey into the wilds of the western Ozarks, while transitioning from city life to farm life. Talia’s family-centric business selling wholesome products has been catapulted by her Instagram truth drops @Talia_likeitis along with an amazing sense of humor displayed in her reels. BTW, she’s a domer- a green house domer, that is….. All the coolest cats are.

We have about 45 minutes of video before I ran out of memory and had to switch to audio only. Check out her beautiful Geodesic Dome Green House in that portion. Anytime you can grow Mango above the 36th parallel you are doing something right.

@nobletaskhomestead on Instagram

Analog Super Chat:

Christopher Gardner
P.O. Box 402
Willow Springs, MO 65793-0402

Digital Super Chat:
Paypal: coraldomes@gmail.com

To Book a Celestic Profile: info@topherhq.com



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I had to bring Brother Marty Leeds over to my renovated office so he could clarify the name of his ministry, Gnostic Church & Academy of Lord Jesus Christ. If that name doesn’t offend you, then you are that one sheep that left the flock of a hundred. That title alone tells you exactly of the type of man Marty Leeds is: fearless. Brother Marty has been bridging Christianity and Mysticism with mathematics and Hermetics for close to twenty years in a very unapologetic way. The transubstantiation(might be the biggest word ever) of the soul is the whole point of life, and I find Marty’s current work to be bar-none in revealing the mythos of the Great Book. If some of you are into the luminaries, his “Scripture in the Stars” is one of the best Astrotheological books ever written.


Analog Super Chat:

Christopher Gardner
P.O. Box 402
Willow Springs, MO 65793-0402

Digital Super Chat: 
Paypal: coraldomes@gmail.com

To Book a Celestic Profile: info@topherhq.com


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